Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

We had a wonderful fourth also. We started the morning at the Perry Fun Run. (A silly joke to me no run is fun). Jacob took 4th place and well I participated. We then got ready and came back to Perry for the great parade and breakfast. Jake and Shelby stayed at the park and played with cousins while we took Rachel for a nap and packed for the rest of the days adventures. We then went back to the park and watched Uncle Ben and friends play ball in the championship game. He did not win this year but has plenty of other times. We then went to my parents where we had a mini family reunion with everyone there except Jeff who was working at his new job. We then rushed to Provo to attend the Stadium of Fire. Shelby and I had tickets and Derrek and Jacob were going to do some male bonding something or other. Shelby and I loved the show. We cried when the flag came out and the families of deployed soldiers. We of course were there with a billion other little girls and their parents. We enjoyed listening to Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana for those who do not have a pre-teen girl) and the Blue Man Group. Jake and Derrek were able to hear the whole show and even got to see Miley get into her limo and drive away. COOL!! We then joined the crazies leaving the show. Thanks to Jill (Mom and Dad's GPS) we were able to wind through neighborhoods above the campus and then get to our hotel. What a great and long day. Fun for all. Kap